The Hidden Cost of Bad Data: Why Your Ad Spend Might Be Lying to You
Brendan Binger

[Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash]

As the principal and founder of Quarry, I’ve spent years diving deep into the world of data collection and analysis. 

The people who run ads love us, and for good reason – we specialize in ensuring that the data informing advertising decisions is rock-solid.

Over the years, I’ve worked with a wide range of clients across various industries, and there’s one constant: accurate data collection has a massive impact on Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). 

I have a deep understanding of ad platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads from a data integrity perspective, not just an advertising one. This unique vantage point allows me to spot issues that often go unseen by even seasoned marketing professionals. 

Even minor discrepancies in data collection can snowball into massively skewed results, leading businesses to make big decisions based on bad information. 

This experience has fueled much of the work we do at Quarry: helping companies collect the right data, interpret it accurately, and leverage it for real, measurable growth.

Challenges of Accurate Data Collection

From what I’ve seen, time and again – in the world of advertising, businesses face a huge challenge – they invest heavily in ad campaigns with unclear returns. Beneath the surface lies a critical issue: flawed data collection and interpretation. 

Most companies and vendors are unaware of this problem, focusing on surface-level metrics while missing underlying data issues. This leads to misguided strategies and wasted ad spend. 

The result is a pervasive uncertainty about marketing data accuracy and decision-making, trapping businesses in a frustrating cycle of ineffective optimization and blind trust in unreliable information.

Half the ROAS Was Hiding in Plain Sight

Even when your numbers look good on the surface, underlying data issues can paint a dangerously inaccurate picture of your marketing performance.

A client, let’s call them Company X, approached us with what seemed to be a wildly successful Facebook ad campaign. Their conversion numbers were through the roof, yet Company X’s revenue remained frustratingly stagnant. Something didn’t add up.

Quarry dug deeper into their data, and uncovered the truth – their conversion tracking was double-counting sales. Every time a customer completed a purchase, it was being recorded as two conversions instead of one. What they thought was a highly profitable campaign turned out to be barely breaking even.

Quarry refactored and improved the organization’s Facebook event collection to be far more resilient and reliable, including implementing Facebook Conversions API. CAPI ensured that zero customer events went uncollected, even in cases where the customer was using ETP (enhanced tracking protection), iOS 14+, or an ad blocker that prevented client-side Facebook event collection. All of this allowed their ad agency to re-evaluate and optimize based on accurate data. Within months, Company X saw a genuine increase in both conversions and revenue, this time backed by reliable data.

5 Steps to Rebuild Your Data Foundation

Here’s a step-by-step approach we use at Quarry to ensure our clients’ marketing data is accurate, actionable, and useful.

  1. Audit Current Data Collection Ecosystem

We start by thoroughly examining your existing data collection infrastructure. This involves scrutinizing your tracking methods, looking at pixel placement, GTM containers, GA4 settings, checking for discrepancies, and identifying any gaps in your data collection setup.

  1. Implement Proper Tracking and Attribution

Once we understand where the issues lie, we implement robust tracking mechanisms that close any gaps that were discovered. This ensures every customer interaction is accurately recorded and attributed to the right source, eliminating problems like the double-counting we saw with Company X.

  1. Collect Additional Pre-Conversion Data

It’s not just about tracking POS conversions. We set up systems to gather valuable data on the customer journey before the conversion happens

This includes tracking user interactions across your website, measuring engagement with various ad formats, and analyzing the paths customers take through your sales funnel.

We can help you see which content resonates most with potential customers, identify where prospects might be dropping off in the funnel, and understand the typical touchpoints that lead to a successful conversion.

  1. Optimize Bid Strategies Based on Accurate Data

With reliable data in hand, we’ll work with your chosen ad agency (and if you need one, we have some incredible recommendations) to fine-tune your bidding strategies across different platforms. Now, you’re not just throwing money at ads – you’re strategically investing in the most effective channels and audiences.

  1. Integrate Data into Broader Business Decision-Making

Marketing data doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Quarry’s team of fractional experts can help you integrate these insights into your overall business strategy, informing everything from product development to customer service improvements.

Good data is about gaining a true understanding of your customers and your business performance. When you have that, you can sleep easy knowing your marketing decisions are based on rock-solid foundations.

What Happens When You Get Data Collection Right?

Get clear on your true ROAS: No more guesswork. Know exactly how your ad spend impacts revenue and make smarter budget decisions.

Sharpen your aim: Target the right people with the right message. Say goodbye to wasted spend and hello to higher-quality leads.

Uncover hidden gems: Accurate data often reveals surprising opportunities. You might discover untapped markets or product ideas you never considered.

Boost confidence across the board: When you trust your data, you’ll sleep easier. Make decisions with certainty, from budget spend to marketing to product development.

Fuel faster growth: All these benefits add up. Better targeting, smarter spending, and improved offerings lead to sustainable business growth.

By fixing your data issues, you’re setting up your whole business to run smarter. In today’s market, it’s essential in order to stay competitive.

Ready to Uncover the Truth in Your Marketing Data?

Chances are you’re wondering about the state of your own marketing data. Are you confident in the accuracy of your metrics?

Don’t let flawed data hold your business back. Take the first step towards truly data-driven marketing decisions.

Schedule your free consultation with Quarry. Let’s uncover new opportunities to amplify revenue and improve your insights.

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