The Traditional Agency Model is Broken. So We Got Rid of It.
Brendan Binger

[Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash]

Yes, we’re an agency. But, you’re never going to be stuck in cookie-cutter calls with an “account manager.” Here’s why.

As experts who have worked for a combined 250+ years in the tech industry, we’ve witnessed firsthand the shifting dynamics of client-agency relationships. 

At Quarry, our leadership team is filled with industry veterans who have spent years refining and perfecting what we do–including the art of client communication and project management. It’s that way on purpose.

We understand the frustrations and inefficiencies that clients face when dealing with traditional account management models, and we chose to go another way.  

Why doesn’t the traditional model work anymore?

The traditional agency model is filled with inefficiencies. Clients often find themselves caught in a frustrating loop as they communicate their needs to an account manager, who then relays the information to the creative or strategy teams, who perform the work, then relay that to the account manager, back to the client and on and on and on. 

This process can lead to lengthy timelines, miscommunication, confusion, unnecessary delays, and ultimately, subpar results. Clients are aware of these problems, but may not realize the full extent of their impact.

Beyond the top-level communication issues, there’s a deeper problem that many clients are hesitant to acknowledge: the lack of direct access to specialized knowledge. Clients are kept away from the experts working on their projects, leading to a sense of detachment.

All of this as a result of the traditional reliance on entry-level account managers who lack the deep industry knowledge and experience necessary to provide valuable insights and guidance. They’re salesmen who can talk the talk, without the ability to deeply understand the technical and business issues facing their clients.

What happens when the agency model goes badly?

A client we worked with recently had a rough start with their previous agency. 

They were a mid-sized organization looking to build an app. They partnered with a large behemoth agency (with a behemoth price tag to match!) and were assigned an account manager. 

Initially, the process seemed smooth, but as time went on, issues began to surface. The account manager struggled to convey the client’s requirements accurately to the technical team, resulting in multiple revisions and delays. The client’s frustration grew as they felt their needs were not being met efficiently and the project stalled out.

The company reached out to Quarry, we brought our business strategy and tech expertise to the table, and got to work salvaging the project. Once we took the helm, the project took a positive turn. With our extensive experience and specialized knowledge, we had the right questions to ask, and the understanding of which pitfalls to avoid. We took all that into consideration and efficiently delivered an app that started bringing in revenue right away.

This story? Not uncommon, at all. Many of our clients come to us after failing to get the results needed from previous agencies for exactly these reasons.

So, how does Quarry do things differently?

At Quarry, we’ve reimagined the client-agency relationship by eliminating the traditional account manager role. 

Our clients interact directly with seasoned directors and specialists – handpicked and curated for each engagement. This model fosters more efficient communication, quicker decision-making, and a deeper understanding of client needs.

The 5 key steps to the Quarry approach:

  1. Honest, Transparent Estimates: We take the time to deliver a detailed estimate, often with a range of options for the approach to the project – flexible, truthful, and NO surprises down the road.
  2. No Gatekeepers: Clients have direct access to the right expert for their job, ensuring their vision is understood and executed exactly.
  3. Specialized Knowledge: Our team comprises industry veterans with a deep bench of expertise, providing clients with fractional leadership that goes beyond. The level of investment in your organization is like gaining a cofounder, but you keep your equity.
  4. Streamlined Processes: By removing the middleman, we reduce the risk of miscommunication (and costly overages!) and expedite project timelines.
  5. Real Collaboration: We operate as a member of your team! Clients collaborate closely with our experts, fostering a sense of partnership and shared goals.

What are the benefits of ditching the traditional model?

With the Quarry model, clients get a whole range of tangible benefits. 

More efficient and effective communication, leading to quicker project turnaround times. The direct interaction with seasoned experts ensures that your technical requests can be accomplished and that your vision is accurately captured and executed. That makes for higher-quality outcomes.

Plus, no surprises with our transparent estimates and clear pricing. You get a clear understanding of costs from the get-go. This means hefty cost savings from better budget management and eliminating unexpected expenses down the line. 

Every client benefits from the specialized knowledge and experience of our directors, getting innovative solutions tailored to their unique needs. This approach builds stronger, long-lasting relationships based on trust and mutual respect – some of our clients have been with us for nearly a decade, and the trust runs deep.

Ready to up your revenue by ditching the broken agency model too?

Quarry would be happy to partner with you on your next project. Book a call or email us  to discover how our tailored solutions can meet your organization’s specific needs and goals.

Disclaimer: We love efficiency and we also believe in transparency. LLMs (Large Language Models) were used to structure the outline to save time while writing this piece.

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